Theme Resources: The Theme Handbook

I run a local WordPress Meetup and so I have the privilege of meeting a lot of folks early in the WordPress journey.  One question I get often from people just starting out to create their own themes is this:

Where should I go to learn more?  

Luckily we have an amazing Theme Handbook on that covers all the basics of creating themes:

WordPress Theme Developer Handbook

Even if you’ve been doing it for years, it’s still a good place to check to make sure you’re doing things the best way possible.

Some highlights include:

Using the Customizer API

Localization (a personal favourite)


Releasing your Theme

The whole thing is great so make sure to take advantage of it!  Of course, you can always join the Documentation Team and contribute to this yourself.


One response to “Theme Resources: The Theme Handbook”

  1. Thanks, great article.

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